
Finalist, NatGeo Your Shot Daily Dozen (Feb 12, 2016)

I'm not exacly a big contributor in the National Geographic's Your Shot community, with only a dozen photos up on my profile and barely any trace of interactions with other members. So imagine my surprise when my photo made it to the Daily Dozen for Feb. 12, 2016! The photo was of the wolf snappers feeding on plankton which I took during my Palau trip last January. 

I decided to take advantage of this rare opportunity and asked my friends to vote for it (the photo with the most votes gets posted on yourshot's instagram page). Unfortunately, I didn't make it, which is fine because there are far better photos chosen for that day. Nevertheless, the photo earned more than 440 "likes" and was shared in social media. I was even so happy that it made the front page of the yourshot website.

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